Black Plum


Includes 7% MwSt.
Delivery Time: immediately available

Oval stake tomato with dark red, marked flesh – perfect for sauces and soups.

SKU: 4260522170223
Categories: ,


Squat, oval fruit with elegant dark red flesh are predestined for sauces, soups, or pastes.

Does also nicely in salads.

Strong, robust plants.

Additional information

Packaging unit

Packet with 1000 seeds, Packet with 15 seeds, Packet with 250 seeds, Packet with 50 seeds

Scientific name

Lycopersicon esculentum


Amateur variety

Fruit weight 45 g
Fruit color

Brown, Red

Further information

Info for Tomatoes:Listed in Category:
Organically grown tomato
Participation, utilization and development of genetic resources in the Organic Outdoor Tomato Project
Selection for Phytophthora field resistance in the F2 generation of organic outdoor tomatoes
Influence of the growing system on agronomic parameters of “wild” and cocktail tomatoes from organic outdoor production
Examination of Tomato Varieties on Natural Tolerance against Late Blight of Tomato (Phytophthora infestans) under Open Field Conditions in Pre-alpine Region
Acquiring a taste for
The season of outdoor tomatoes can be opened
Variety profiles outdoor tomatoes
Wild tomatoes – more than a gimmick
Does regional organic screening and breeding make sense?
Leaflet “Tomatoes in the open field