Sipka Zitronen is an extremely robust, highly productive and precocious outdoor chilli with bright yellow pointed fruits, about 7cm long . The fruits
are quite hot (Hotness rating 6) and convince with their intense, exotic fruity aromas. Particularly suitable for drying to produce bright yellow
chilli powder or for the special aroma when cooking curries. Suitable for growing in containers.
Low requirement of fertilization and watering, grow sunny and well-ventilated outdoor or protected
Afer first foliage leaf transplant into pot. Underpin might be usefull.
Location requirements
Low demands on fertilization and watering, sunny and airy outdoors or protected.
February to March, min. 20°C for good germination success. Sowing depth 0.2 – 0.5 cm.
20 – 25 °C, 15 – 20 days.
Prick out and pot up after the first leaf has formed. It is advisable to break out the king flower. The plants are also characterized by very good stability and can usually manage very well without support.
40 x 40 cm or in a pot.
August – October.