Greenhouse tomato box


Includes 7% MwSt.
Delivery Time: immediately available

For varied and tasty tomatoes from the greenhouse


Tomatoes are the most commonly grown vegetable in home gardens in Germany and also the most eaten vegetable!
The varieties contained in this box offer a wide range of tastes, colors, shapes and fruit sizes, but are not particularly tolerant of common tomato diseases and should therefore be kept under protection from the rain (greenhouse, roof overhang, covered balcony, etc.).
The grown plants can be planted directly in the ground or in pots with a capacity of at least 10 liters.
Please note that many of the varieties are not frost-hardy and should therefore be grown in advance and only planted after the last frost.
Further information on cultivation and growing can be found on the seed bags.
We have developed this box in regional cooperation between Hanover (packaging) and Göttingen (seeds) and wish you lots of fun and a rich harvest.
Contents (seed, 7 grains each):

  • Striped Cavern
  • Indigo Rose
  • Yellow Candystripe
  • Mandaline
  • Green Zebra
  • Weißer Pfirsich
  • Slivowidnij
  • Black Cherry
  • Additional information

    Packaging unit

    Large colorful package (see pictures), Plain brown packaging

    Further information

    Info for Tomatoes:Listed in Category:
    Organically grown tomato
    Participation, utilization and development of genetic resources in the Organic Outdoor Tomato Project
    Selection for Phytophthora field resistance in the F2 generation of organic outdoor tomatoes
    Influence of the growing system on agronomic parameters of “wild” and cocktail tomatoes from organic outdoor production
    Examination of Tomato Varieties on Natural Tolerance against Late Blight of Tomato (Phytophthora infestans) under Open Field Conditions in Pre-alpine Region
    Acquiring a taste for
    The season of outdoor tomatoes can be opened
    Variety profiles outdoor tomatoes
    Wild tomatoes – more than a gimmick
    Does regional organic screening and breeding make sense?
    Leaflet “Tomatoes in the open field