Chili Cayorange (CA125)


Includes 7% MwSt.
Delivery Time: immediately available

Sehr frühreife, orangefrüchtige Chili (auch) für den Freilandanbau.

SKU: 4260522171206
Categories: ,


The orange-fruited Cayorange is our earliest-ripening chilli and with its bright yellow-orange colour it brings a new colour dimension to the garden. The yield is very high due to the long harvest period, with a consistently good flavour/ taste.
Low requirement of fertilization and watering, grow sunny and well-ventilated outdoor or protected
Afer first foliage leaf transplant into pot. Underpin might be usefull.


Additional information

Fruit color


Fruit ripening


Packaging unit

Packet with 1000 seeds, Packet with 15 seeds, Packet with 250 seeds, Packet with 50 seeds

Scientific name

Capsicum annuum


Amateur variety

Further information