Ananori is an older beef tomato with excellent taste and exceptional looks. The thin skin and high fruit weight make it better for short transport routes and fresh consumption.
The plant has a low to medium vigour, only moderately sideshooting and has strong green foliage.
The fruits are flat, slightlyribbed and have a green to yellow-red marbled colour depending on the ripeness and growing conditions.
Location requirements
Moderate requirements for fertilization and watering, sunny and airy and protected from direct rain.
From mid-February. The aim is to plant flowering and frost-free. Sowing depth 0.2 – 0.5 cm.
18 – 24 °C, 10 – 14 days.
After the first leaf has formed, prick out and pot up. The plant should be covered with soil just below the cotyledons to allow sufficient roots to form.
60 x 60 cm or in a 10 liter bucket.
From July.